Playing around application states in ReactJS or VueJS is quite fun. But it’s not fun anymore if we (accidentally) mutate the state while doing a search from the state. It happens to me when I’m trying to find a sidebar ID from the store of the sidebar tree. Yes, a tree. Imagine the store if we have a sidebar tree like this Sidebar tree example and we need to find out the ID of file2.

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Coming from NodeJS land, I’m always relying on Nodemon to have live-reload my development server while developing. Long story short, I got a project that uses Golang as a drop-in replacement, and reloading the development server is PITA. I need to restart my development server every time I have changed inside my code.

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I’m working on a wiki page on Gitlab. In this particular case, I need to attach a file into the wiki. Which can’t be done using web editor on Gitlab. So I’m trying to edit it locally. In short, I need to pull the wiki and install Gollum on my laptop. Unfortunately, it didn’t go smoothly like a banana (?).

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Reyhan Sofian

Just another software engineer

Engineering Manager @
