I’m working on a wiki page on Gitlab. In this particular case, I need to attach a file into the wiki. Which can’t be done using web editor on Gitlab. So I’m trying to edit it locally. In short, I need to pull the wiki and install Gollum on my laptop. Unfortunately, it didn’t go smoothly like a banana (?).

The worst part is this

Installation failed due to missing header Installation failed due to missing header

After some research, this error caused by missing C headers on my OS. In OSX 10.15 (Catalina), the Xcode path is renewed. And also apparently Apple stopped shipping (some of) the C header files for Ruby and split them in a separate package. Looking for answers, I’m trying a couple of methods:

  1. Switch the Xcode to CommandLineTools and switch back to App (https://github.com/castwide/vscode-solargraph/issues/78#issuecomment-552675511). It doesn’t work
  2. Find the headers package on /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages folder. But it does not exist on Catalina. It doesn’t work.
  3. Export the CPATH to export CPATH="$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)/usr/include” and add it to your shell profile to make it persists (https://stackoverflow.com/a/57949803/2763662). IT WORKS! 🎉


If you’re running OSX Catalina and got the missing header error message, you should try exporting CPATH variable to the Xcode headers package path.