When I’m conducting a workshop for Facebook Developer Circle Malang, one of our participants asking how gql works. I know it’s called template literals, but how did template literals can behave like a function (but without parentheses)?

Template literals is a new feature in ES6 or ES2015 (it’s called “template strings” in prior editions of ES2015). It allow us to embed expressions, multi-line strings, and string interpolation. There are two kinds of template literals: template literals and tagged template literals.

Template Literals

Template literals are enclosed by the back-tick (` `) characters with the dollar sign and curly braces as a placeholder (${expression}). This placeholder can do string interpolation or expression interpolation.

String Interpolation

const name = "Bruce";
const greeting = `Hello there, ${name}!`;
const greetingWithMultilines = `${greeting}
How are you today?`;


// Single line result:
// Hello there, Bruce!

// Multiline result:
// Hello there, Bruce!
// How are you today?

Expression Interpolation

const a = 1;
const b = 5;

console.log(`1 + 5 equals ${a + b}`);

// Result:
// 1 + 5 equals 6

Tagged Template Literals

As per what MDN said,

Tagged template literals is an advanced form of template literals. Tags allow you to parse template literals with a function. The first argument of a tag function contains an array of string values. The remaining arguments are related to the expressions.

If you notice, tagged template literals’s first argument is containing an array of string! Here’s an example

function someFunction(strings, name) {
  console.log("Array of string:", strings);
  console.log("Name parameter:", name);

const name = "Bruce";

someFunction`Hello there, ${name}!`;

// Result:
// Array of string: ["Hello there, ", "!"]
// Name parameter: Bruce

This is almost the same way how gql works (see the source code).

// XXX This should eventually disallow arbitrary string interpolation, like Relay does
function gql(/* arguments */) {
  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

  var literals = args[0];


const query = gql`
    user(id: 5) {

// query is now a GraphQL syntax tree object

// {
//   "kind": "Document",
//   "definitions": [
//     {
//       "kind": "OperationDefinition",
//       "operation": "query",
//       "name": null,
//       "variableDefinitions": null,
//       "directives": [],
//       "selectionSet": {
//         "kind": "SelectionSet",
//         "selections": [
//           {
//             "kind": "Field",
//             "alias": null,
//             "name": {
//               "kind": "Name",
//               "value": "user",
//               ...